
About us

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HRDI, formerly registered on 23rd January 2020, and opened to the public 13th October 2021is a people-focused, technology-driven Research and Medical Diagnostic Institute, with branches in Ndola and Lusaka.

HRDI offers an extensive range of screening and diagnostic tests to support the prevention and management of disease in the health care sector. The Institute has an excellent record of assisting clinicians and health facilities to manage disease, improve andmaintain health and wellbeing.

what drives us

Our Background



The healthcare system in Zambia suffers from inadequacy, inequality, and inefficiency compared to peer countries. Public expenditure on healthcare continues to average around 10% of total government spending, falling short of the 15% minimum target set by the 2001 Abuja Declaration.

A market scan of the medical diagnostics industry reveals no single diagnostic company with a dominant market share, creating a conducive business environment for new entrants in this sector. Research shows that the diagnostic industry is expected to expand due to the dual burden of disease and the inability of public health laboratories to meet the demand for reliable, timely, and quality-assured laboratory services, compounded by prolonged stockouts of critical laboratory commodities.

Additionally, advancements in medical diagnostic technologies indicate continued industry growth. There has recently been a renewed appreciation for the critical role private medical laboratories play in supporting diagnosis, patient management, disease surveillance, and outbreak investigations by the public sector